Information and Universe: The game of life

Roshan R Naganathan
3 min readFeb 23, 2021

Time and again this concept has been discussed far and wide and also considering the fact that concepts themselves do not exist, this again will be a vain attempt to define the paths that fractals of consciousness take in order to fulfill their purpose in the universal system.

The Universe

As per my understanding, the universe is a learning ground where infinite information gets processed in an infinite number of realities through its constant interplay with infinite energy (which in turn is a never-ending cycle) which is available to human beings as the breath and the ability to consciously alter the same with awareness, thereby affecting the parasympathetic nervous system and also thereby affecting the cardiac system which is associated to our lungs and breathing.

Holotropic breathing in-turn reduces the resting heart-beat in the long-run when practiced constantly and induces serotonin thereby inducing long-term happiness.

In an artistic sense, it is as if the breath just wants the undivided attention of awareness

The Soul or self

The essence of the universe itself contained in every living being which is indivisible and absolute.

One unit/fractal of infinite consciousness and that which also represents the universal whole.

The purpose of the soul

Now, this is the part of the routine that is critical and vital to any living being and one that can be tricky. Everywhere in spirituality, a far and wide discussed topic is the purpose of one’s being or soul.

Finding this is supposed to be both easy and difficult.

Easy, because it is simply what your heart wants and feels for most at any particular moment/breath.

Difficult, because finding exactly that one thing can lead you to go through a roller coaster of experiences that familiarizes one with things that do not align with one’s purpose and this incongruency will most certainly lead one to thoughts and thoughts are where one’s presence is lost and duality’s play blinds one.

Thought and Emotion

Considering the two things that are hard to define but most influence our decisions in daily life, these two entities can be closely associated with electricity and magnetism in the physical world as the nervous system works on electric impulses and the passage of any kind of information is in the form of electric signals in the human brain, and the confluence of the two in synchronicity leads to an experience.

In the physical world, we know that any electric current has a magnetism associated with it and this can be considered to be the emotions we feel.

Which comes first is a chicken and egg problem, as one is closely tied to the other, and learning to demarcate them is one of the skills required to navigate through life seamlessly, this learning again being processed information.

At any moment/breath, one fractal of consciousness can be very roughly defined as an electromagnetic projection across space and time, space and time being bridged by energy or the breath.

Due to the dual-plane of existence in nature, consciousness also takes the same play during its time of presence as being awake and unconscious when we are ourselves awake or asleep.


Sleep helps the brain switch off the thinking brain or prefrontal cortex for the brain to process the information of the day and to remove toxins with the help of breath, which is now entering the body at a right angle to when we are up and functioning.

Esoteric aspect

Universe: Essentially every moment is an information exchange when done consciously in presence goes back to infinite consciousness where all the information processed, processing, and that which is going to be processed both exist and do not exist.

Stretched on a 2-dimensional line, the extreme left end can be the art of astrology, and the extreme right end of the same being music.

This also seems to be a highly regulated system as observed by many and by Carl Jung as the phenomenon of synchronicity where the whole universal system is in equilibrium at any point in time and the same is reflected in the microcosmic and macrocosmic world.

Sleep: Consciousness flows down from the brain (thinking/alpha wave state) to the throat (collective unconscious/theta sleep) and then to the heart (nothingness/delta wave sleep).

