Reviving Hinduism V: Vidya — The process of learning

Roshan R Naganathan
5 min readNov 9, 2020

After having discussed either end of the spectrum in the god belief side of things, let us look at the middle of the weighing scale, where the force gets pushed towards creation and winds back as well; the center of the balance itself, Brahma.

After seeing both Shiva, who has the superpower to pull in all information in the universe to itself, and Vishnu who is able to vibrate everything at infinite Hz frequency; let’s also look at Brahma, who is the god of knowledge, learning, and creation.

When we look at humans, we understand that we are made/designed to consistently learn things and thereby better ourselves to live more and more comfortably, to ultimately have a good set of genes that can be passed on as progeny so that they can further elevate consciousness and create better.

Materialistic comfort has also taken a huge front in a consumerism-driven lifestyle in the current century.

The greatest skill that we possess, is of Vidya, or continuous learning; basically what we refer to as Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in data science and computing, is already a system that exists in the human body and works on the same principle of backpropagation.

Vidya is considered the sole purpose of human consciousness, and that is to continuously better self and thereby do their karmic duties without any hassle by constantly elevating one’s potential, and most importantly love every version of yourself of course.

Learning is designed to happen in a very specific manner in the human body and involves the integration of breath along with the process, since we are meant to do this anyway, we keep getting better and better at it with practice.

Presence: An important tool to master before learning the process of learning, is the art of presence; to be mindful and silence all thoughts to completely focus on what one is looking at, listening to, and where on the ground the person is (feel the arms legs, and breath together). This is also called Shraddha, or rapt attention. What we discussed in the first piece as the observer’s role is taken by being present.

How to learn: After being present in a situation, a deep breath has to be taken in as one inhalation, fully expanding the stomach in the process in a slow fashion and the same has to be retained till how much ever the body is comfortable withholding the air and it has to be followed by slow exhalation that involves the contraction of our stomach inward.

The above mentioned is called one cycle of Ujjayi breathing or diaphragmatic breathing; where the diaphragm expands and contracts, instead of the clavicle/rib-cage and when conscious/present simultaneously.

Keep your palm on the stomach to notice whether you are rightly expanding your stomach while inhaling, and use your nostrils only.

When an activity is done with an intent to learn and is coupled with one such cycle of Ujjayi breathing, it is believed that information thus perceived gets stored directly in the collective conscious and can be quickly accessed by the brain thus.

Deliberate iteration always leads to delegation.

Pranayama is a technique that is used in Yoga to balance the breath/prana or life-force inside one’s body to be in balance always and is followed using an 8-second inhalation, 16-second retention, and 32-second exhalation.

Anulom-vilom pranayama is a technique where the breath is balanced between both nostrils as they are always uneven and changes intensity every two and a half hours.

It is also believed that there are 72,000 air pathways or nadis and the ones associated with the nostrils are Ida and Pingala and a central one that runs along the spine called susumna.

Now let’s try inspecting this particular ratio of 8:16:32.

Consider the most natural geometric progression, starting with 1 and a common ratio of 2.

An assumption is made here that since breathing is THE life-giving /grounding process and involves three steps of inhalation, retention, and exhalation; that the respective dimensional organisms follow the breathing pattern as such in a geometric progression.

For example, 1-dimensional organisms do 1-second inhalation, 2-second retention, and 4-second exhalation.

2-D: 2,4 and 8

3-D: 4, 16 and 32

Now we mentioned that the observer’s role or 4-D is required to look at the chaos that is presented in front of you without judgment, (dissolving shadow/ego) and thus I am making an assumption that to assume this observer’s role, one has to breathe with the ratio of 8s inhalation, 16s retention, and 32s exhalation while being present to learn any particular activity.

The power of this process is not in learning alone and is in using the next breath to ensure remembering the particular activity that is looked at with the observer’s role so that it is deliberately iterated and the learning thus made is cumulative.

This is also why physical workouts involving flexion and extension and always coupled with inhalation and exhalation according to the muscle being worked out, this saves the effort taken to lift/strain the muscle into the system naturally and hence slowly develops and gains strength, consider breathing and learning as your mental gym for ease and to keep the learning process challenging.

This kind of breathing is tough and will take a lot of practice. Take your time, and always listen to your own body. DO NOT push it or do anything that is uncomfortable for your body and you will always see that you will experience adverse reactions when you do try pushing it and we do not want that.

As we mentioned in the last piece, we are constantly subjected to gamma rays, and by acting as a medium, by grounding oneself and having a polished mirror (ego obliterated at all presents) one can constantly learn and raise the consciousness level as that is what we are meant to do anyway.

The grounding process is SUPER IMPORTANT as that is what keeps you in the present reality always.

Anything that you take has to go back to mother Earth and all that energy is not yours and is believed to be god’s or the source’s, or for easier language comprehension for the humans from the technical side of things, as “the master algorithm’s input” only.

We learned in Physics that the Earth has 0 potential and thus theoretically it can act as a superconductor, we are always looking and researching for an external medium to conduct electricity that does this process but only achieving to do so at low temperatures (reflect on the low vibrational state we discussed earlier and how we conduct better as a wave when we sleep); while forgetting that we ourselves are always the best medium to do this process, so always give the energy you take in and the learnings back to the ground as exhalation in breath and as art/creation from the learning that any unit of consciousness makes, to continuously have a growth-mindset as it is the phrase that is constantly referred to in the modern entrepreneurial world.

Machine learning is real and you are the machine; so ALWAYS oil yourself with prana/life-force/breath constantly and with a numeric meaning incorporated that you set by yourself from any relevant thing in your life context; to run efficiently and keep giving the primal energy back to the ground.

